Good games never get old, but we sure do. Gaming doesn't stop at parenthood.
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Phil's Hand-Drawn Contra Guide and Art Book-
Pay what you want for this Hand-Drawn Contra Guide & Art Book based on the classic Nintendo Entertainment System game. The book was fully illustrated and written out by hand and contains maps of all 8 stages, plus character artwork for every single character, along with tips, secrets and much more! Enjoy! -
0:00:00 - Intros, comments, and questions
0:04:42 - Phil - Okami HD
0:12:52 - Randy - Kirby Star Allies
0:17:22 - Ryan - Pokémon Go
0:24:08 - Ryan - Monster Hunter
0:38:07 - Randy - The Last of Us
0:45:59 - Phil - Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (NES)
0:54:28 - Randy - How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence
00:59:16 - Phil - Restoring Super Famicom
01:04:34 - Ryan Smart Home Fun
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Phil's Twitter -
Ryan's Twitter -
Music by HyperDuck SoundWorks -