Our episode today is with the diligent and fearless producer by the name of William Black. Mr. Black has been pushing the melodic dubstep movement since before Gunna ever considered pushin p. We get to dive deeper into the inspirations and meaning behind William Black's recent album, "Pieces". From a wide array of talented vocalists and fellow producers, William has found new boundaries to bend and new stories to tell, come hear all about in the newest episode of Electric Talk.
Yes, its another sadboi episode.. Will talks with us about his upcoming headlining tour revolving around his recent album 'Pieces.' He explains the creation of the songs from his albums to his remixes and much much more. But what we do know is, William Black is pushing P, so does that mean another album starting with the letter P is coming out? Will It be called Pears? Well plug those ear holes with a ~Pair~ of earbuds and listen in.
And speaking of Pairs... your ear holes are a delicate pair and you want to make sure you treat them right for the summer.
So us at Electric talk are giving you a discount on some earplugs for festival season! Head on over to Eargasm and use code ELECTRICHAWK at checkout for 10% off your next fresh pair of earplugs, your ears will thank you.
Grab a pair today: https://eargasm.com/products/eargasm-high-fidelity-earplugs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/itswilliamblack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/williamblack/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/williamblack
And grab tickets to the Pieces tour: https://williamblack.com/
Video episode out on YouTube too! Watch here:
Keep up with William Black: