Gorgeous soul! If you are struggling with negative thoughts, habits or behaviors that you want to change...this episode is for you! Johnny Jameson is a Master Hypnotist & Positive Psychologist who will share with you the power of using the ancient practice of hypnosis (including self hypnosis) to shift your habits to more positively serve you.
As you will see in this episode, it is possible for you to create a life you desire no matter where you're starting on your journey. Johnny shares where he started and how reaching his breaking point and being diagnosed with PTSD from his time serving in the British Army was a catapult for him to start his journey as to where he is today. It is possible to overcome tremendous hardships and do what it takes to take back control of your life. In this episode, Johnny guides you as to where to start, even if you are just getting started.
In order to connect more deeply with Johnny, you can find him on Instagram here, or at www.instagram.com/mind_reinvention. To sign up for Johnny's A,B,C, 1,2,3 newsletter sign up here or at https://www.mindreinvention.com/abc123. To sign up for the waitlist for Johnny's brand new book called "Your Best Year Yet" sign up here or https://www.mindreinvention.com/yourbestyearyetbook.
As always, if this episode helped you in any way, please share it with someone you love! If you feel called, screenshot this episode and tag both Johnny (@mind_reinvention)and me (@rebekah_kiger) on IG! We love your feedback and it helps us to keep the good stuff coming. Lastly, if you can leave a review, it will help me keep spreading the word and helping elevate others in their lives as well.