Levi Barker, a master facilitator whom was inducted and trained by the Bwiti Tribe in Gabon Africa, has been serving Iboga at the Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica for over 6 years.This is one of the most fascinating and intense medicines out there, known for being one of the most effective remedies to breaking the cycles of amongst the toughest addictions in the world. Levi discloses everything from the nature of Iboga, what it's traditionally been used for, and how it's profoundly altered and shaped the life he leads today, helping others to find a true sense of healing and self-acceptance within. Levi humbly and generously shares his extensive knowledge of this path and what it means to be him to be working with this medicine.
- Iboga Wellness Center — Connect with Levi
- Iboga Wellness Instagram
- Elysium Project PATREON