Updated config with Ivy instead of HelmShackle a way to control window creationCastlemacs: modern, minimalist Emacs for macOS ⌘Exporting HTML with Org mode
Some HTML templates for Org exporterAnother very nice theme (I'm going to set this as default for my setup)WordpressAegea, the blogging engineMy blog in Russian that uses JekyllBlogging with ox-hugo
My main blog in English powered by Hugo, ox-hugo and Org modeHugo, another static website generatorOx-hugo: a carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for HugoSection of ox-hugo documentation on LaTeXSome of my articles produced with Mathjax
A Simple Introduction to Proof by ContradictionA Simple Introduction to Proof by InductionSend feedback to [email protected] or via twitter @freetonik