Like many emerging markets, saving money in Nigeria was expensive. Then came PiggyVest, a free savings and microinvestment product, that's now one of the fastest growing fintech startups out of Nigeria. PiggyVest built a strong following and grew to millions of people by word of mouth. Seriously, check their Twitter mentions. We spoke to Odunayo Eweniyi, the co-founder and COO of PiggyVest, about the company’s growth trajectory and product culture.
In the first 20 mins we talk about Nigeria's challenges and local culture that gave rise to PiggyVest. The last 20 mins is all about growth strategies and how PiggyVest builds a user obsessed product culture. Key takeaways for building a product loved by the community:
Help users feel heard by including their ideas into your roadmap
Give users a sense of trust, it can be more important than efficiency
Building loyal users who advocate for the product will stretch further than traditional marketing tactics
Pay attention to tweets that go viral on New Years eve, they may just inspire your next startup idea ;)