We Date Modern - The Podcast

Emotionally Healthy Dating and the Power of Prayer

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On the podcast we’ve referenced the power of sexual intimacy in Christian dating quite a bit (check out our deep dive into sexual trauma or our interview with Pastor Brandon Watts on Christian dating and modern sexuality if you want to hear more). But let’s not neglect the power of emotional and spiritual intimacy on a relationship as well. Often I find in my work with couples that it’s easy to slip into pseudo-dating relationships or a toxic dynamic of codependence when two people push the boundaries of healthy emotional connection.

On today’s episode, I sat down with Kimberly Weaver, a Christian woman living and working in ministry in New York City. She gives us a very honest and vulnerable peek into her dating life, and she shares how past experiences of rushing in too deep have led to disappointment in relationship.

Episode highlights:

  • Kim shares why she thinks God may be “hiding her” in dating

  • How to trust God in the process and get out of your own way in dating

  • Chanel shares Pete Scazzero’s concept of being “indifferent to the outcome”

  • What emotional intimacy may look like in relationship and when it strays into an area of unhealth

  • How a healthy knowledge of self is important so we’re aware of our triggers that might drive us to latch onto unhealthy relationships

  • The power of spiritual intimacy and praying with our partner

  • The value of accountability in our church communities and friendships


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Episode Links: 
  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero

  • The Emotionally Healthy Leader by Peter Scazzero

  • Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

  • We Date Modern Facebook Group

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We Date Modern - The PodcastBy Chanel Dokun, Relationship Expert

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