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By Rachel Jordan
The podcast currently has 27 episodes available.
In today's episode, I’ll be sharing the results of my research and my own experience with luxury wedding brands and showing you the exact steps to position your brand correctly to attract clients with elevated taste and bigger budgets.
If you want personalized help turning your business into a luxury experience, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
In today's episode, I’ll be sharing my formula for structuring the homepage of your website (the most important page in your brand!) so you can elevate the quality of clients you attract, showcase your value and welcome better inquiries (and close better sales!)
If you would like personal help on how to restructure your homepage, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
In today's podcast, I’m going to share with you the exact steps that my clients and I are using to consistently increase the income from our wedding businesses 70-100-300%. Doing this isn’t hard, but there is an art and strategy to it, so join me and get your questions answered.
If you'd like help figuring out the status of your business, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
Knowing your ideal client is something that pretty much all photographers have heard that they need to understand, yet so few actually understand the importance of REALLY knowing your ideal clients at the heart level. This is THE KEY to upleveling your business and elevating the quality of clients you attract. I’ll be talking all about how going deep with understanding my ideal clients took me from $2500 weddings to $7,000, $8,000+ weddings in less than a year.
If you want some personalized help figuring out who your ideal client is, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
The practical steps you take are only as good as your mindset. If your mindset is keeping you stuck, all the practical help in the world won’t open you up to receiving what you desire.
I know you are ready to uplevel bigtime…
So make time to listen to today’s podcast where I’ll be talking all about shifting your mindset so you can magnetically attract the soulmate clients you desire.
If you want help shifting your mindset, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
Has writing copy for your website always been a struggle?
Maybe you’ve even paid to work with a web designer or copywriter and while they did a beautiful job, your website is not attracting soulmate clients.
And now you are ready to uplevel bigtime…
You need to listen to today’s podcast, because I’m going to share with you exactly WHY that is happening and what you can adjust to consistently book soulmate, high end clients.
If you want me to evaluate if your copy attracts, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
Attracting people that can’t afford you?
If you’re a wedding photographer wanting to make 5K+ per wedding and you're not CONSISTENTLY attracting ready-to-invest, high-end clients…
You need to listen to this week's podcast, because I’m going to share with you exactly WHY that is happening and what you can adjust to consistently book soulmate, high end clients.
If you want personalized help attracting high-end clients, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
So many photographers struggle to get the right leads in the door, even though they KNOW they provide world class service to their clients.
So today I’m going to talk about what does and does not work for effective lead generation for high end leads, and the steps you need to take to book soulmate, high end clients.
If you would like some personalized help with generating the right leads, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
My new obsession is the ELVIS movie (you should totally go see it), and there’s so many good lessons about marketing our wedding businesses that we can learn from this movie.
Today I’m going to talk about the difference between mediocrity and superstardom and how to stand out in a crowded market so you can charge premium prices and be known as the go-to person for high end weddings.
If you want more personalized help with standing out in a crowded market, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
Have you been wondering if you are in a pricing dead zone? Things were going great and now that you’ve raised your prices, it’s crickets?
You are an incredible photographer and you KNOW that your work is worth what you want to charge, but something is wrong, and you’re starting to worry. Today I’m going to walk you through what a pricing deadzone looks like, how to identify if you’re in one, and how to get OUT.
If you want specialized help on how to get out of pricing deadzones, here's a link to schedule a free 15 minute business audit with me:
The podcast currently has 27 episodes available.