My worth is not weighed by the wealth of my family
It’s not in the school or church I attend religiously
It’s definitely not in my country or culture
Nor even in nature versus nurture
My worth is not revealed in the color of my skin;
It’s not in the house or neighborhood I live in
It’s neither in the shoes or clothes that I wear,
Nor my annual salary each year
My worth is not measured by the price of my cars
It’s not even found in life’s harsh battle scars
It’s neither in my acquisition of various things
Nor the accolades years of hardworking brings
My worth is not determine by the width of my hips
It’s surely not in the thickness of my lips
It’s neither found in the size of my breast
Nor the hairstyles I wear the best
My worth is in my identification with the heavenly Father
I am the way I am because I’m His daughter
Before I was formed, I was God’s child
I am His own; I’m not left in the wild
My worth is in Christ’s love for me
It is in knowing that I’m free to just…be
It’s in believing I was created with a purpose
It’s in His amazing blessings given in surplus
My worth is displayed in my values you see
I’m fearfully and wonderfully made, is God’s decree
It is in my morals, values, and character
It’s in having Jesus as my director
My worth is evident in the choices I make
It is having the courage to learn from my mistakes
It’s in my decisions to do right when the world is doing wrong
It’s in being humble, yet remaining headstrong
Take the time to assess your worth, is my plea
Reject the lies of the devil and he will flee
Your worth is greater than the vastness of the sea
God says you are worthy, and I agree