Whew! What a year this has been! As we wind down 2014, I thought I’d share with you a few of the timeless truths I’ve embraced this past year and give you a sneak peak of where I’ll be focusing in 2015. Can’t wait to see what this next year will bring us all!
Timeless truths I embraced this year…
1. You can do more than you realize. When I review what I did during the past year, and all the new stuff I learned, I’m really encouraged. Just because I’m not in school doesn’t mean I can’t still be learning and growing and this year proved it for me, and it is true for you too.
2. Get help. There are so many people who can help you – figure out what you need and then ask for help. The right person will appear. The book by Amanda Palmer called, The Art of Asking: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help is a great resource if you are ready to get inspired to ask in your own life.
Areas to get help:
- Personally – therapist for help with the inside
- Physically – trainer at the gym
- Professionally – help with technical aspects. Mentor. Professional development via webinars and conferences. What conferences will you go to next year? What seminars will you attend. Who do you want more of? You are the combination of the 5 people you hang around the most. Who are you inviting into your life?
3. It’s never too late to go for your dreams. Figuring out what you really want to do is actually fun. Take the time to make yourself a rough sketch and then start. Don’t wait for perfection. Lots of people talk about being imperfect and how to manage your perfectionism…get whatever help you need to get started and then start. Once you start, then the pieces will sort themselves out. Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever will help you get started with your dreams and then help you get started!
Next year – here are the 2 things I’m going to remind myself of daily so I stay focused:
1. Take care of myself first. The biggest “fail” of the year was with my weight and health. Wait, let me rephrase that. The area where I had the least amount of progress — and maybe even experienced regress was in the area of my weight and health.
I did train for and complete a 1/2 marathon, but at a heavy weight and kind of with the least effort possible principle. 2015 is going to be different. I’m putting this effort front and center. I know all the other stuff will fall into place as I figure out this piece of my life.
2. Do more of what I love. When I was doing my goal setting I discovered that of all the things I enjoyed this past year, the best part was still what drove me to work in the first place. Speaking and teaching still top the charts and make me happiest. So, I’m going to make sure and do more of that this next year. All the other stuff will still be there – but as supporting rolls to help create more opportunity to do more of what I love.
More speaking. More stories. More entertaining. More laughter. More connecting.
2015 Word of the Year: Routine
I have 1 outstanding, terrific and fabulous routine. Every night I wash my face utilizing a system. I also floss and brush my teeth. My morning average is about 95%, but the evening is 99.9999999999%. And this is since 1984. 30 Years! Seriously, I cannot remember a single night I have gone to bed without washing my face and brushing my teeth. Flossing is about 98.999999%. My night-time rituals I don’t even think about. They are so routine as to be a ritual. No thinking — I just do them. 30 years!
Here’s the deal. If I can do it in one area of my life (my face) then I can do it in others. So my word for the year is Routine. I’ll learn to love it. Learn to embrace it. Learn to flourish in the midst of it. That will be growth!
“Routine enables creativity to flourish.”
Encouraging Word for the Year: Proverbs 16:9 (NIRV) “In their hearts human beings plan their lives. But the Lord decides where their steps will take them.”
Question: What about you? What did you learn this year? What are you going to focus on next year? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please leave your comments below.
The post #037: Timeless Truths of 2014 and Focus for 2015 (Podcast) appeared first on Christy Largent.