Today Aaron Vandeford and Dan Genovese with EnerCom sat down to discuss what we are seeing in Texas regarding the weather-related power outages and the social responsibility of government, utilities, energy producers and capital markets to refocus the ESG investment discussion to include the need to develop and invest in an affordable, abundant and reliable energy ecosystem. Recently, the ability to have an honest and informed discussion about realistic energy solutions and long-term transition has been a challenge. However, the recent energy crisis in Texas, as well as the more routine summer outages in California, should serve as a harbinger of America’s energy future if we don’t map out a reasonable and more feasible energy strategy.
This year, EnerCom is launching its Environmental, Social and Governance Summit as a part of the EnerCom Dallas event. Growing public expectations around Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has increased the emphasis by investors on making investments in companies that are actively addressing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concerns, more focused on sustainability, and pursuing good corporate citizenship. What they are seeing in Texas this week is an important back drop for this holistic energy discussion. In Dallas and online, April 6-7, we will help shape and continue this honest and informed discussion about realistic energy solutions and ESG in the natural resources space.