"...money's Kodak moment. This is a network transfer. The people that go earlier onto bitcoin... just like those who bought Amazon at $5, will do well."
Jeff Booth joined energyleaders.io From Palermo Sicily... we discuss, inflation, interest rates, climate change, build back better, quantum computing as the threat to bitcoin, evil conspiracy versus systemic failure, chaos, FIAT money's Kodak moment, power vacuums and societal breakdown!
Jeff is an Entrepreneur, Technology Leader, and Author of The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is Key to an Abundant Future
"...when a government goes against bitcoin, the more they're screaming at their people, why they need it!"
"...Inflation equals climate change... you can't solve climate change from a system that requires inflation. It's impossible. Especially when technology should be saving you time...The existing system doesn't have an answer and just hand waves!"
"I know a whole bunch of climate activists who have gotten into bitcoin, because of this.. and now they are advocating for a system change... because there is no way Governemnts will."
"..if you have misinformation in money, you have more misinformation everywhere... a lot of people are waking up to that.. they governments are having to create greater and greater crisis."
"...we give too much power to those other people [in power] and these people have that power because we don't use ours. We don't stand up...."
"...bitcoin is an emergent network it looks like the internet itself. it gets more bullet proof with each user. We are all making choice. More and more people are waking up everyday and porting to a new system [bitcoin]"
"...they are too late on central bank digital currencies' [to stop bitcoin] digital currency is surveillance disguised as money!"
"...there's going to be a lot of head fakes about interest rates going up, but they can't go up, because the minute they do you'll have a deflationary spiral and government has to come in and print way more..."
"Inflation is really Robin Hood in reverse..."
"...Could Governments lean into Quantum computing and try to break encryption on Bitcoin... that is the only thing that could stop bitcoin. There's a market driver to make bitcoin quantum resistant as quantum moves forward..."
"...all the paths short of bitcoin take us to war and reset...artificial intelligence is moving really fast, robotics is moving really fast... imagine someone getting to control all that.."
'...interest rates are going down... because you have two forces colliding, a deflationary force driven by technology, and an inflationary force required by the existing system. That inflationary force is required... for the existing credit based...because today the governments have the debt... so deflation leads to everything unwinding... like the great depression on steroids! A reset of all currencies... there is no solve from the existing system...'
Connect with Jeff Booth on Twitter, @jeffbooth and please tell him you heard him, on Thor's Energy Leaders
connect with Thor Holt on LinkedIn here
Nothing on this podcast is financial advice. However, Please consider tipping the show, because it is a labour of love which takes many hours per show - research, communications with guests, recording, edit, show set up/notes etc.
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Podcast support team is led by the awesome human who is, Natalie @vidavirtualsupport on Instagram, and our original show Jingle is composed by Oksana Budza, our creative Violinist and Music Producer friend in sunny Saint Petersburg, Russia... @budziaga on Instagram.