With the ever-growing concerns for climate change, action is in dire need. However, sometimes political legislation and rules may prevent people to act in the right and just ways for the environment and the future of energy to be as positive and prosperous as possible. This month’s Energy Voices focuses on people who have made a stance against political topics and have triumphed with their successes.
Our first guest on this month’s Energy Voices is one individual who has turned this notion on its head and acted out for the good of the environment, community and the future. Jane Kleeb founder of Bold Nebraska is one of the main individuals who has been recognized as one of the main successful rejecters of the Keystone XL pipeline. She is a living embodiment of someone who has shaped some major environmental and energy discussions in our time. She was also a reporter for MTV, a frequent guest on FOX and MSNBC. Jane Kleeb is a truly fascinating activist.
Nathan Cullen is a very successful Canadian federal politician who is currently sitting his fifth term of parliament. Nathan sees himself as more of a community organizer and activist primarily as his past career was vastly steeped with working in and with non-profits. Nathan talks about tangible ways in which people who are not active political supports can influence politics and how to get in contact with the right people. Nathan also is a key player in changing the NPD’s democratic reform critic to a more evolved and just voting system for parliament, this is fundamental to tackle real issues that shape the life's of Canadians.
Edward Cameron the policy director for We Mean Business and managing director of Business for Social Responsibility is a dynamic climate change specialist. We Mean Business is a coalition of organizations working with thousands of the world’s most influential businesses and investors. These businesses recognize that the transition to a low-carbon economy is the only way to secure sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all. Edward Cameron talks about how We Mean Business has engaged companies around the world in changing the conversation on climate change from a regulatory obligation to a thing that is of benefit to companies and hence creates more buy-in and engagement on making a positive difference.