Quick, what does the word "Career" mean to you?
You're probably thinking of the "big stuff" (job change, promotion, etc). But we've found that Career is also a lot of the little stuff too (dealing with a crappy manager, lots of org changes, working with difficult co-workers, etc). The equation isn't simply Career = Change. Rather, it's Career = Change + Everyday Experiences.
And this is where a lot of tech organizations and tech managers fall short. They aren't prepared to help tech professionals through these (everyday) experiences, which all contribute (greatly!!) to Career.
That's where Engaged Pursuit comes in...
Founder Tom Perry has created a new framework to help tech professionals maximize both the big Career stuff as well as work through the smaller Career stuff that happens everyday. It's a new spin on the 30-60-90 day plan that many of you are familiar with if you've started a new job.
Tom's developed a 30-60-90 HOUR framework to help tech professionals build a plan to tackle both the big and small Career events. And, for the month of September, he's offering a special promotion to get you ready for the return to work after summer break - a "BOGO" workshop! Schedule a couple hours of time with Tom to work through your Career issue (using the 30-60-90 hour guide) and you'll only be billed for one hour. How's that for a deal!?!?!
Interested in learning more? Listen to this latest podcast and contact Tom either via email ([email protected]) or text (206.369.3124).
Engaged Pursuit: Career Management Consulting // Story | Strategy | Success
#career #reboot #leadership #employeeengagement #tech #engagedpursuit