The great thing about being an engineering student is that the path to succeeding is predetermined:
You know the engineering qualification's subjects and syllabus upfront.
You know the number of assignments you must complete and the pass mark.
You know the exam scope, dates, and pass marks.
You know the books and material you need to utilize.Once you graduate, your instinct is you will obtain all the guidelines to navigate work-life. You will get all the support from colleagues and managers. You will seamlessly climb the corporate ladder.
Yet, the reality is the opposite.
Finding your voice within the chaos
In Episode 4 of the Engineering in Africa Podcast, Ziningi Malinga talks about her journey from studying towards her Mechanical Engineering degree to discovering DecantAir.
Her story is that of finding your voice and purpose within the chaos. The self-discovery led to finding a product that solves a common sanitation problem that many despise - the smell!
As a child, Ziningi Malinga knew one thing - She wanted to solve problems. That aspiration she had as a kid evolved over the years to using her engineering training to solve problems that affect Africans.
DecantAir is a dissolvable toilet deodoriser. It is a simple product that seeks to eliminate the ever-so-common smell at the loo. Yet it has many other advantages, for example:
it eliminates the harmful allergens from traditional toilet deodorizers,
asthmatic persons avoid common sufferings from conventional deodorizers, and
in the future, it will address sanitation issues related to bacteria/viruses that have serious social problems, especially in rural areas.What started as a simple home project is evolving into something that changes how we deal with sanitation.
Becoming a socially aware engineer
Ziningi's DecantAir journey demonstrates the importance of the engineers' role in solving some of Africans' social problems, especially in the rural areas.
The reality is that African countries are mostly third-world. The budget constraints from many African countries mean we do not have the luxury of devising expensive solutions.
Innovation and simplicity have become a must-have for many engineers in Africa.
Learn more about DecantAir
Click here to visit the DecantAir Facebook page
Click here to visit the DecantAir Twitter page
To place an order of DecantAir toilet deodorizers, WhatsApp 071 250 5220