Sick and tired of looking for the magic formula to boost your English to the very top of your potential?
The Good news for you is that in this podcast the ship hasn’t sailed yet, so you can get on board and venture yourself into a risky but joyful journey.
The bad news is that you will have to unlearned what you have heard about learning English, reset your brain, and discover your own pathway to draw on your first-hand experience rather than the manuals written by scholars. Nowadays, this concept is known as metacognition; however, this podcast is not limited to such a concept, and it embodies a lot more.
It all began as a simple question, how to do this? It seems a simple question, but if you take a few seconds and think about it, it changes everything because most of the approaches on how to learn English out there respond to the question, what to do instead of how to do. So, what to do? It’s easy. You can find the answer in thousands of blogs on internet: Memorize vocabulary write sentences, watch YouTube videos about English tenses, etc. All this is good; I won’t lie to you. Be that as it may, why do learners still struggle when listening, writing, reading, and speaking? Yes! This is my point! In this podcast I will try to respond to how to do instead.
Welcome to this experience!
Art Cover
Image drawing-1991304_960_720 under Pixabay License.
Intro Music
Song : Shards [Intro Version]
Music provided and produced by LonePeakMusic
from Intro Versions [Free To Use], released March 7, 2021
Produced & Composed by Guillaume Brouhon
Outro Music
“New Day” by “Twisterium” VItalii Iegorov under Pixabay License.