The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking
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The balance between my arms and legs 胳膊和腿的平衡性不好
That was my motivation for real 我真正的目的
Not talented 天赋平平的
Persuade 劝说
1. 参看范文(难度系数e.g.听力<口语<写作<阅读)
2a. 词汇基础翻译(词汇的翻译理解e.g. bring in v.s. bring about)
2b. 句子的基础翻译(白话文)Diverse contributing factors can be identified 一些有说服力的证据 被动式翻译为有人 a book is given to B by A 有一本书从A给到B
3. 坚持去做每天1hr
I major in 我的专业是(major 作为动词使用更地道)
In my consideration 在我看来
The reality of money 物质的真相
That job that is related to this area 相关行业的工作
Enjoy the sunbath 晒日光浴
Chat with 攀谈
Take a slow walk 遛弯儿
Regular work and study 日常工作学习
Heavy workload and pressure 压力山大
Tend to 倾向于
A balanced or regular diet 按时吃饭
Psychologically and physically 身心的
What I could and what I should eat 我能吃的和我可以去吃的东西
Come across 偶然瞥见
Lose weight and stay fit 减肥和塑性
Balanced diet 膳食均衡
1. 避开外国语类大学 e.g. 北外or北语 阿语系的学生雅思可以裸7.0飘过
2. 城市尽量选择相对小一些的 e.g. 上海的英文平均水平从小学开始碾压很多其他地区...
3. 选择舒适的距离 e.g. 根据考试日期or你的远近程度 尽量选择近一些的或者提前在酒店住下
4. 报考A/G类别同一天考试的会有惊喜哦
Fresh air and good environment 清新的空气和良好的环境
Along the riverside 沿着河边
Bad emotions and fatigues 坏情绪
Fresh air and good environment 清新的空气和良好的环境
Along the riverside 沿着河边
Bad emotions and fatigues 坏情绪
The podcast currently has 1,063 episodes available.