This is the second episode in a mini series about British folktales and legends. Mike and Owain tell you a story and have a chat about it.
Looking back at the history and culture of different parts of the world is fascinating. It gives a feel for where a particular community has come from and what their modern lives are founded on. The British Isles is no exception and we thought it would be interesting to share some those 'nuggets' of tradition and record ourselves as we have a quick chat about them.
In this episode, we chat about The Dog That Talked. Listen to the story and pause the audio before our chat to think about the following questions.
What did you think of it? Did you like it? Why/why not?
Have you heard the story before? Was it exactly the same? Were there any differences?
Tell us what you think. Write in to the English Waffle to let us know:
Check out the quizzes and transcript for the episode: