(Guest: Simon from the UK/英語母語話者(英)のSimonと) [English follows] イギリス出身Simonが再登場。前回は、自転車での世界旅行の話をしてくれましたが今回は少し日本に目を向けてみます。Simon, Shin, Aina, それぞれ身近な日本の価値観(提出期限や、発言の仕方などについて)て少し真面目に話してみます。Our friend, Simon is back to our episode! The last time, he shared his story about traveling across the world. With him currently living in Japan, we share our own perspectives toward the Japanese society and share our opinion about certain invisible deep-rooted rules (or what Simon calls "eco-system") that support the circulation of the society.