English/Haitian Creole Class
Subject: Good News
To all of you all over the world, thank you for listening and for being part of our class
Today, I have good news for you.
The Host for today is
Miguel Paul
Do you want to speak Haitian Creole? Well then, I have news for you. there is a brand new book available now at or click on to buy the book. The name of the book is English/Haitian Creole Class, subtitle Let-Speak-Haitian-Creole book 1 publish by Miguel Paul. This is what are you going to find in this book. Vocabulary, Simple sentences, Practice simple sentences only in Creole and the last one there are two Conversations. one in English with the creole and the other one only in creole. The audio will be available for the book and please do not share the audio with other people let them buy the book too. Thank you to all of you all over the world, please buy the book.