This Episode's Main Points:
What you choose to look for will determine what you see. What you see will determine what you do and achieve.
See success and benefits in:
- The past
- The future
- Possibilities
- Challenges
- The big
- The small
Helpful Resources/Links:
Want To Reach Your Full Potential?
3 Parts To Reaching Full Potential
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Nick Maizy
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Show Notes:
Do you want to live your best life? Your absolute best life? If not, you’re in the wrong place. But, if you want to explore what you can do to make the most of where you’re at right now and begin to guide yourself to take your life in the direction you want, then this episode and this series ‘How to choose your best life’ is just for you.
Welcome my friend! We are in a series on ‘How to choose your best life’ and I am thrilled you’re here and joining in. Say, make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes in this series. You don’t want to miss any in this series, but I also have a few more series coming out where I’m going to hit some major topics to help you Enjoy Life & Create The Future You Want.
Have you ever got a new car or truck? Maybe one that was just new to you? Did you see it all over the place after you got it? Over my years, I’ve had a few different vehicles. Some were more popular and weren’t. But, the same funny thing happened with each one. As soon as I started driving it, I saw that same car or truck all over the place.
Now, did everyone else go out and get that same used vehicle I got the same day I got mine? Of course, not.
I saw more of them because my attention was on the vehicle I was driving. I looked for them and I saw more of them.
What you look for can determine what you see.
See Success
- Past
- Right, wrong or whatever. See the benefit.
- Be kind to yourself
- Give yourself a little grace
- If you don't see the success in your past, it will be more difficult to build on it.
- Future
- Believe in your future
- Believe that you can achieve. Maybe with some help, guidance, or even mentoring.
- If you don't see success in your future, it will be more difficult to pursue it.
- Possibilities
- Life is full of possibilities. It is far more risky to never take a risk.
- Be optimistic
- If you don't see possibilities, it will be more difficult to take advantage of them.
- Challenges
- Today's struggles will give you the strength you'll need tomorrow.
- If you don't see success in the challenges you face, then it will be more difficult for you to overcome them.
- Big
- Hope in the big things that are important to you
- Keeping the big things you want in mind can help you keep going in the right direction
- If you don't see success in the big important things, it will be more difficult for you to achieve them.
- Small
- Value in taking the small steps
- Focusing on the small steps you need to take can help you continue to make progress
- If you don't see success in the small steps, then it will be more difficult for you to stay persistent in doing the work to achieve goals and create the future you want.
What can you do?
Start where you're at. Of the areas I just mentioned, which ones are you already seeing the successes? The Past, The Future, The Possibilities, The Challenges, The Big, The Small. What areas is it easier for you to look for and see the positives?
Which areas is it more of a challenge for you to see the positives? Or, your successes?
If you want to add the value of seeing the good things in any of these areas, the best way to do that is to write out. They can be small things. Maybe it’s tough to list many positives in a certain area. That's okay. Start where you're at.
The more you can begin to see the successes in each area the more you'll be able to build on those successes, move forward, and make progress to even better.
If you focus on the negative, then that's what you'll get more of in your life. If you can see the successes (even in the challenging things), then that's what you'll get more of because you'll be able to capitalize on them.
Choose where you focus. Choose what you focus on. Choose what you see. The choice is yours.
Use your choices to help you live the life you want.
What's one thing that you're going to look for more of in your life?