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By Ales Alex Potrc
The podcast currently has 31 episodes available.
Več o tem kako Žak poskrbi za to, da je predstavljena zgodba posameznika
ali podjetja skozi video. Tudi nekaj o tem kako se je odvijala najina
skupna dogodivščina ob snemanju krajšega dokumentarnega filma.
Žaku lahko sledite na socialnih omrežjih...
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Welcome to the latest episode of the PTBA - The Next Gen PT Podcast,
where we delve into the myths and truths about pregnancy and exercise
with world-renowned expert Dr. Anna Szumilewicz.
In this enlightening conversation, Dr. Szumilewicz, an associate
professor and leader in the field of pregnancy and postpartum fitness,
shares invaluable insights on how expectant mothers can safely stay
active throughout their pregnancy. We tackle common misconceptions, such
as whether it's safe to lift weights or do crunches during pregnancy,
and explore how exercise can support not only a healthy pregnancy but
also future generations. Whether you're a fitness professional, a
pregnant woman, or simply curious about this critical topic, this
episode is packed with science-backed advice and practical tips.
Join us as we bust myths and provide clear, evidence-based guidance on
staying fit and healthy during one of life's most important stages.
Don't miss this episode—it might just change the way you view pregnancy
fitness forever.
Follow me...
Join us on "The Next Gen PT" as we dive into the intricate world of behavior change with Jason Jackson, an expert who has profoundly influenced personal training education. With a robust background as a director and educator, Jason has crafted behavior change frameworks for major fitness institutions and delivered key seminars across Europe. His research aims to bridge the noticeable gap in personal training, focusing on the practical applications of behavior science in everyday client interactions.
In this engaging discussion, Jason shares his journey from observing trainer-client dynamics to developing evidence-based models that enhance the effectiveness of personal trainers. We'll explore how these tools can be seamlessly integrated into daily training practices, providing a deeper understanding of the science behind client motivation and behavior modification.
Follow Jason on Instagram (@jasonjacksonpt) and enquire about coaching with Jason here: .
Stay connected with us (@potrc) and PT Business Academy (@ptba.usa) for more empowering content. Visit for insights into making a significant impact in the fitness world.
Dive into the dynamic world of fitness with Clifton Harski in our latest episode of "The Next Gen PT." Clifton, a master of functional kettlebell training and a key figure at the Pain-Free Performance Certification Program, shares his insights on making workouts more athletic, adaptable, and fun. From debunking fitness myths to exploring innovative training techniques, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone passionate about evolving their fitness routine or coaching style.
Follow Clifton on Instagram (@cliftonharski) and check out for more on his approach to fitness.
Interested in taking your kettlebell game to the next level?
Don't miss out on the Functional Kettlebell Certification at
As promised, here are the Instagram handles you should follow:
@drjohnrusin for Dr. John Rusin
@thedavidweck for David weck
@erodingweakness for Christopher Chamberlin
@jefflovecchio for Jeff LoVecchio
@drtonykatakis for Tony Katakis
Stay connected with us (@potrc) and PT Business Academy (@ptba.usa) for more empowering content. Visit for insights into making a significant impact in the fitness world.
Čas je problem! Vsak poslovnež, ki se bori s časovnimi pritiski to še
kako dobro razume. Potem so tukaj fitnes cilji, ki so nujni, če si
želimo svoje delo opravljati dolgo časa. Zdravje, zadostna energija za
delo, boiljši fokus in seveda tudi lepa postava kot največji statusni
simbol v 2024 - za vse to poskrbi boljša prehrana in redna ciljno
usmerjena telesna aktivnost.
Poslovni svet na prvi pogled izgleda sila enostaven. V resnici je vse
drugo kot enostaven.
Govorila sva o različnih pristopih, ki jih lahko vsi, ki so časovno
omejeni, uporabijo za doseganje svojih ciljev. Kako organizirat svoj čas
in kako začet - več o tem v tej epizodi.
The Next Gen PT" Episode Alert!
Dive into the world of next-generation personal training with me, and my special guest, Dr. Brad Schoenfeld (@bradschoenfeldphd). In this episode, we're exploring Brad's groundbreaking research in hypertrophy and his journey in the fitness industry. You'll get a blend of motivational stories, scientific insights, and practical training tips, making this a must-listen for every fitness enthusiast!
Brad's expert insights await at
Follow me (@potrc) for more fitness knowledge and updates on PT Business Academy (@ptba.usa). Visit us at for in-depth fitness business strategies.
Don't forget to subscribe to "The Next Gen PT", give us a 5-star rating on iTunes, and share your ideas for future topics.
Let's shape the future of personal training together!
Kako se učimo jezikov me je zanimalo v tokratni epizodi, ko sem Katjo
Prkič spraševal o tem kako poučuje angleški jezik. Angleščina s Katjo
-tako je poimenovala svoj projekt s katerim poučuje nekaj sto ljudi
letno, da osvojijo vsakodnevno uporabo angleščine.
Pravi, da je eden najboljših načinov ta, da se z jezikom, ki se ga učimo
obdamo v našem vsakdanu in da postane del našega življenja. Povedala mi
je še nekaj drugih nasvetov in tehnik, ki jih pri svoje delu uspešno
Katjo lahko najdete na Instagramu pod @katjaprkic1, na facebooku
( in tudi na njenem kanalu na
YouTube (
O tem zakaj me motijo velike korporacije, ki namensko uničujejo fitnes trg in razvrednotijo delo trenerjev. Govorila sva tudi o tem zakaj je Fitnes primeren praktično za vsakogar in kako narediti svoj prvi korak, ki bo tudiu pripeljal do želenega cilja.
Andreju sem povedal moj pogled na to kje šolski sistem zataji in nas ne opremi z znanjem, ki je pomembno za življenje. Razkril sem moje misli o tem, da je v Sloveniji podjetnikom v fitnes industriji precej težko, ker imajo ljudje zamegljen pogled na finance, prihodke in odhodke v podjetništvu. Še nekaj tem se je nabralo o katerih sva z Andrejem spregovorila.
Gregor Verbajs je zastopal barve Slovenije kot tekmovalec v nordijski kombinaciji. Imel je tudi status mednarodnega športnika. Že kot mulcu so ga krivice prizadele in je razmišljal o tem kako bi lahko nekomu pomagal, da do tega ne bi prišlo in pravi, da ga je to gnalo v odvetništvo.
Za uspeh je uporabil disciplino, ki jo je imel kot športnik, enostavno prenesel v učenje in s to disciplino uspel. Kako se je njegova pot nadaljevala in kje danes vidi krivice, ki jim kot uspešen odvetnik kljubuje, nama je povedal v prvi epizodi druge sezone.
Dolgo sem imel zeljo z Gaberjem nardit ta podcast in ga povprasati o tem
kako se je pocutil kot del glasbene skupine, ki mi je vedno bila pri
srcu, NUDE in tudi o tem kaj mu predstavlja NLP. Kako je pricel svojo
poslovno pot, kako gleda na vse ukrepe v casu, ko vlada zmeda in kaksne
posledice bodo nosili nasi otroci.
The podcast currently has 31 episodes available.