Joshua is 26 years old and grew up in a Spiritually Conscious home where the emphasis was on personal growth and conscious self-development. He became Spiritually Conscious at an early age and maintaining a solid, consistent Spiritual practice has always been a priority. He began his formal studies in Metaphysical philosophy 4 years ago and is currently working on the completion of this Masters degree. His Major is Spiritual mentorship and counseling. Joshua is a keen environmentalist and has recently completed a side course themed “Consciousness in plants”. He believes Nature to be our original healer and can mostly be found outdoors in places with high Spiritual energy. He has an uncanny ability for finding such energetic hotspots and keenly shares his discoveries for others, coaxing and instructing them on how to “feel the healing” for themselves. Once acquired it is a skill that can be practiced anywhere in the world and guests will emerge from one of this Nature Tours feeling not only refreshed, light and whole but also having learned a brand-new skill.
Joshua describes what he has to offer in the following way: “Quantum metaphysics is the scientific study of consciousness and reality as experienced in both the meta- and micro-verse. Meta being the connection to the frequencies of higher dimensions. I am majoring in spiritual coaching and counseling, so when a person becomes conscious of their reality and begins to question it, I provide guidance in a variety of ways, depending on where they are at in their Journey.” Contact Joshua via email: [email protected]