We rejoin the bad boys of Toledo Vader as they scatter into the winds to battle their demons… a fitting warm up before battling the bands later that night!
Nicky Vader is played by Seattle improviser and musician Melvina Fletcher. Follow them @mulewho
Amadeus is Kyle Hennick, who performs regularly throughout the Seattle area. Follow him @danger_k
Belt Toledo is Helix. Follow him, and the show on instagram @rpgmajor
The GM for this arc is Camilla Franklin, who also does the art and design for the show. Follow her on Instagram @Camillastrator
All music for this arc was created live, in the room by our incredible accompanist, Noah Samuels, who’s on instagram @Samuels_Noah
Wishing for more chaotic actual play fun? Check out our friends at the Dead Dragon Society - https://thedeaddragonsociety.podbean.com/
If you promise not to be a jerk, you can join us on our discord: https://discord.gg/HXNRZqZxAE
The art and visual design of RPG Major is by Camilla Franklin.
This arc of RPG Major is made using a mashup of the RPGs Kids on Bikes by Jon Gilmour and Doug Levandowski and Fight with Spirit by Vee Hendro and Hayley Gordon. It also borrows from the improvised musical format developed by Erica Lowe and David Gordon: Vision Euro. The mashing up was done by Camilla Franklin.
RPG Major is copyrighted creative work owned by Single Helix LLC. If you want to use it for something, just ask - we'll probably say yes. Reach out at podcast@rpgmajor.com
The story, names, characters, and incidents in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons, living or dead, places, buildings, or products is intended or should be inferred. Though Mara does love her Poirsche.