The HUSTLR Podcast

EP 60. Turning Your Passion Into Your Dream Career With Alberto Sardiñas

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Welcome back to the show hustlers. I hope you are safe and sound and staying at home during this crazy crazy time. Today I have an amazing guest on the show. His name is Alberto Sardinas, a radio and television host who also happens to be a fellow podcaster (The Passion Accomplished Podcast) and influencer. Besides his day job as a host on TV shows - his personal quest in life is to teach people like you how to create a full-time career from YOUR passion. 

Alberto is a super inspiring individual that has a great story to share and I really enjoyed this interview with him. A few key points we talked about in this interview. 

  • How to develop the resilience necessary to make your dream a reality
  • How to use a challenging situation to support growth and progress into your dream scenario.
  • How to grow your social media into the millions of followers (Alberto current has a combined following of 2.8 million - super impressive)

Some relevant links to this episode:-
- How To Find Your First 1,000 Fans (
- The Passion Accomplished Podcast
- Alberto's Wikipedia page - wow!

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The HUSTLR PodcastBy Jeremy Ong