On May 9, 2017, I published the very first episode of the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast. Today. March 23, 2023, I publish its last episode. But this is not the end!The Reluctant Medium, a new podcast about spirit babies, intuition, and "out there" conversations will be streaming soon! And no, you don't even have to subscribe to a completely different channel. Just keep subscribed to this channel whenever you're listening, and you're sure to be the first to be notified of The Reluctant Medium's first episode. In this final episode of the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast, I am sending my gratitude to you. For your feedback, for your reviews of my book Transcending Infertility, and for your kind thoughts and energy even if you have never outreached to me directly. Thank you for listening.
May you be well and happy, and may you move through your journey with ultimate grace, peace and ease.
Find me at my new podcast, The Reluctant Medium at www.thereluctantmedium.us