Welcome to Xbox On, a podcast with one host, about one console, Xbox. I am said host, Jesse DeRosa, and for the final episode of 2023, I am joined by returning guest, Hunter Fagan, to discuss our top 5 favorite games we played this year. Additionally, we have listener write-ins, community voted top games of the year, banter, and more! Happy New Year and thank you for another year of making Xbox On a reality!
Time stamps:
00:00 "Xbox On" *beep sounds*
04:10 Fortnite/Guitar Hero tangent
13:37 Overview (favorite games of 2023)
15:00 Honorable mentions
34:07 Our top 5 games played in 2023
2:00:45 Listener top games of 2023
2:18:36 Overall top 3 games of 2023 (community dictated)
2:23:31 Notable movies in 2023
2:37:35 Notable music in 2023
2:52:21 About Hunter
2:55:03 đ”
(Music Credit: BB Murder Case)