In today's episode with Father Genard, he emphasizes the concept of "do unto Christ by doing unto others," drawing parallels between athletes representing their countries in the Olympics and Christians embodying Christ's teachings. Just as athletes' actions reflect on their countries, our actions reflect on Christ. Father Genard references Matthew 25:40, where Christ equates caring for others with caring for Him. He ties this to the fast described in Isaiah 58, emphasizing humility, contrition, and acts of kindness toward others, such as feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and clothing the naked. The episode underscores the importance of using the gifts and blessings we receive to uplift and serve others, aligning with Ephesians 4:9. Ultimately, Father Genard encourages listeners to engage in fasting, prayer, and almsgiving not just for personal repentance but also to extend grace and aid to those in need, mirroring Christ's example.
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