
Episode 84 | Being Happy in Game, The State of The Game and Life in 4Loki with Vega

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Show Notes and Questions
. How long have you been playing the game?
. Whats your favourite Side Event or Unique Event that has come into the game?
. Do you enjoy Alliance Wars at a top level in the game? and how do you feel about its evolution and tinkering over the years?
. Ive noticed you have a tier list, how does yours differ from other content creators?
. Myself and dan have watched your How to be competitive and be happy video, this something myself have talked about for the best part of 2021, What do you think in 2022 are the positives and structures players can do keep themselves happy in game?
then talk about the state of the game - try to cover these areas;
Side Quests - innovations and freshness
Story Quests - Act 7.3 on wards Too extensive and going back to Act 6 , What will Act 8 Look like?
Rewards - Lacking at a time when we need them most for advancing Players
Progression - Is this fine or is the gap widened
Free to Play vs Spenders - Is the gap widening on this to a point its putting pressure on the enjoyment of the game?
A.I - movements and behaviour
Response - How are we finding response on the devices
Incursions - are we happy with what is there is it time for a solo version?
Solo Competitive Mode is looking like Alliances Wars or vice versa?
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