Podcast Episode 87;
. Been gone for a month, where have we been, did you miss us, A lot in the world has happened in the last month – yikes
. Dan’s Tyson level story
. What have been doing in game our 7.2 – 7.3 100% pushes
. Champ ratings pushed back and Champ Buffs
. New March Content and Thoughts on it. Rich is more interested in story mode – odd for him
. The lul between battlegrounds and Input System improvements waiting for April
. The end is near and Maestro reveal of who done it…. It was everyone in multiverse way
i think we need a bit more to pad out the MCOC elements, if you want to talk about anything put it in.
Thanks For Listening, The Podcast Can Be Found At ▶
Spotify ▶ https://open.spotify.com/show/1B8eUBW4Bivs2rO92uXUSJ
Itunes ▶ https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/contestrealmpodcast/id1496777601
Dan of FrontlineMCOC ▶ frontlinemcoc.home.blog/
Twitter ▶ @FrontlineMcoc
RichTheMan ▶ http://twitch.tv/richthemanlive