We both slid off the tailgate and embraced as the rain started in earnest. My hands cupped her face as I kissed her full lips. I pushed her back against her car, and she sat up on the hood, leaning back on her arms with her legs spread around me. I could feel the rain, harder now, on my shoulders and face. Her shirt quickly became so wet that it was transparent, revealing the rounds of her nipples. I pulled it up and over her head, and my tongue traveled along her neckline and down between her tits. My hands found them, too, rolling and massaging and stroking them while I took each nipple in turn between my lips, flicking it with my tongue.
When we think about porn, most of our minds probably flash to a laptop screen. But porn isn't just something that can be watched. Sometimes, the best porn is porn that you read or listen to. If you liked this story, please subscribe to the podcast.