What has lead to the prolonged delay of climate action in the United States? In this episode, we dig into how ideology and industry have historically helped stall climate action, and might again.
Theme music provided by Ryan Faber. “Leit,” “Mori,” and “Amonym” composed by Ryan Hopper.
This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein
Losing Earth by Nathaniel Rich
Early oil industry knowledge of CO2 and global warming https://go.nature.com/3vLwj9i
Early oil industry disinformation on global warming https://bit.ly/3xSQzYy
The health and climate impacts of carbon capture and direct air capture https://rsc.li/3vHMR1Q
How the fossil fuel industry got the media to think climate change was debatable https://wapo.st/3eU12dv
Decarbonizing the US Economy https://bit.ly/3urNxIC
Transcending Neoliberalism: How the Free-Market Myth Has Prevented Climate Action https://bit.ly/3nRzOZ0
CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions https://bit.ly/3o2whHz