The European Universities Initiative, a new EU funding programme for university networks, supports experimental models of collaboration across borders.
We have François Taddei, in Paris, on the line. Monsieur Taddei is an educator, a teacher, he has co-founded a research and learning centre in Paris called CRI, which holds an UNESCO chair for “learning science”. He is also a counselor for one of the new European university networks.
Our questions are:
• What is this EUI about?
• Is this initiative a continuation of the Bologna Process? Another push for more academic mobility?
• What makes this different from other EU higher education funding policies?
• The EU call is all about 'internationalisation' and 'innovation' - how can that ever lead to pedagogic experimentation or student participation?
• Was this the idea at the Sorbonne in 2017, when the French president Emanuel Macron first proposed to build university networks?
• The first 17 university networks have been chosen in July 2019, the second call will be published in October. What is the kind of project that has the chance to be successful in the future?
This podcast forms part of a series, produced and disseminated by ESNA Media, on the subject of higher education and science policy.
Produced and edited by Tino Brömme
Music by Zende Music, Bologna
ESNA European Higher Education News, Berlin