Hello everyone welcome to the show "Ethical Hacking" episode 84 today we are going to discuss about Wireless encryption. Another huge vulnerability in wireless networks is the encryption that you choose to use.In this lesson, we're going to do a quick review of wireless encryption types,that you learned back in your Network Plus studies.The reason for this is because encryption of your data being transmitted is going to be paramount to increasing the security of your wireless networks.Now, most wireless encryption schemes rely on a pre-shared key.This is when the access point and the client use the same encryption key to encrypt and decrypt the data.The problem with this is scalability becomes difficult.Think about it, when a friend comes over to your house,to use your WiFi.You have to tell him your password.Now, if you have 50 friends come over,you're going to tell 50 different people your password,and now, all 50 of them know your password.And so, this is one of the first problems that we have with wireless encryption,is that if you're going to use a pre-shared key,you've got to figure out a secure way to distribute that key to everybody,and keep it secret.If all 50 people know your password,then it's probably not that secret anymore.Now, there are three main types of encryption that are in use from wireless networks.We have WEP, WPA, and WPA2.WEP is our first one.WEP is the Wired Equivalent Privacy.This came from the original 802.11 wireless security standard,and it claimed to be as secure as a wired network.I'm going to prove this wrong to you in our demonstration later,because we're going to brute-force WEP,and break it in about three minutes.WEP was originally used with a static 40-bit pre-shared encryption key,but later it was upgraded to a 64-bit key,and, then again, to a 128-bit key.This isn't the main problem with WEP, though.The main problem is a 24-bit Initialization Vector,or IV, that it uses in establishing the connection,and it's sent in clear text.As I said, WEP is not very secure,and because of this weak Initialization Vector,we're going to be able to brute-force WEP in just a couple of minutes,using using Aircrack-Ng and other tools.So, to replace WEP, they came up with WPA.WPA is the WiFi Protected Access standard.It uses a Temporal Key Integrity Protocol, or TKIP,which uses a 48-bit Initialization Vector,instead of the 24-bit Initialization Vector used by WEP.The encryption that it uses is the Rivest Cipher 4,or RC4, and it added Message Integrity Checking, or MIC.And, it uses all of this to make sure that the data is secure,and ensuring that it's not modified in transit.Overall, it's a pretty good standard,but it does have some flaws,and so version 2 was released to fix those.WPA version 2, or WiFi Protected Access version 2 was created as part of the 802.11i standard,to provide stronger encryption and better integrity checking.The integrity checking is conducted through CCMP,which is the Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol.And, the encryption uses AES,the Advanced Encryption Standard.AES supports a 128-bit key, or higher,and WPA2 uses either a personal mode,with pretty short keys,or an enterprise mode,with centralized authentication via a radio server,or another centralized server,to handle that password distribution we were talking about.Now, I want to pause here for a second,and before we go any further,give you a couple of quick exam tips.First, if you're asked about WiFi,and it uses the word, Open, in the question, it's usually looking for some kind of answer that says the network has no security, or no protection.