This message is about the Antichrist's wealth transfer, which is based on an abundance of gold. This will help the Antichrist pull the people all over the world to him. This will take place after the RAPTURE. The spirit of antichrist is trying to prepare people now! To receive this money people will have to swear allegiance to him and he'll promise wealth, cancellation of all debts, no income tax, peace for humanity etc. So many people are talking about this wealth transfer and it shows that the love of money is the root of all evil.
Exodus 3 v. 20-22, Exodus 12 v. 36, Exodus 32 v. 1-5, 24, 31, Rev. 13 v. 11-18, 2 Chron. 9 v. 13, 1 Kings 10 v. 14, Deut. 6 v. 4-9, Deut. 11 v. 18, Exodus 19 v. 3-8, Exodus 20 v. 7, Deut.17 v. 15-17, 1 Kings 10 v. 1-3, 10, 14, 17-18, 21-22, 24-27, 1 Kings 11 v. 1-3, 7, Rev. 14 v12, Rev. 15 v.2, Rev. 22 v.10-13.