Translated from Haitian Creole "Greetings to all listening to Psycho Conscience Awakening, with Nadjina, we're going to continue part 2 of The Law of the Pendulum, we're going to see how we are slave tho this law and what we can do to get from under it. Don't forget to support our Podcast so we can bring more topics. Law of the Pendulum is considered thesis and anti-thesis. What are we talking about, well it can be agreeable and disagreeable circumstances, periods of triumph and defeat, good and bad times, optimist and pessimist. When we en-globe all, we could say good verses bad. This thesis and anti-thesis, we have it well planted in our minds our hearts; take the mind part, we think good and bad, in the heart we have joy, calm, we congratulates, peace. In the other side of the heart we have anguish, sadness, depression, violence. When we take the heart and mind for example, when we're happy, we receive good news, it makes us smile, everyone sees we have good humor, we sow happy faces. When we have problems or in danger we give a different look, we're angry, sad faces, all are reflected in us. This is only to show how we're slave to a mechanic. Why, we're happy because when we tell someone they're a good person or give high existing marks, that individual will be happy all over in mind and body; and if you tell the same person the opposite all things changes, we could spend all day giving out examples of to man's five senses are affected, how mankind is a considered a marionette, that can be wound up at any time. That's how the pendulum works, you don't have to do a lot of things to make someone happy or angry. You greet someone at the corner and you say "you're beautiful", you have just made someone's day, because mankind lives in this commuter machine, whom really cannot function without a vivid compliment. It's inside the compliment they sit, that they feel comfortable and well. Where's your individuality? it's sad, mankind can't direct its psyches, why one must pat you on the back when you're dressed well, one must pat you on the back to say you're handsome, or rich, someone give all kudos to make one feel great. Where is your individuality? Where's your own value?, it appears someone has to raise our values to feel valued. I see it's sad that this machine is driving the world. If we could take time to tell what the pendulum machine entails, is exactly what it is today. How can we move from under this machine? how can we come from under this law? Learn to think, reflect to become a comprehensive man. Look at the pendulum law going up and down, left and right, contemplate on this law. All that is happening in our family, lives, social environment; learn to contemplate on them, learn to meditate upon them, don't take sides. Especially in the COVID-19 moment, there are lots of criticism, lots of people went up the balance to gain strength, while the balance is lowering lots of people are hurting themselves, they start thinking badly, some even took their lives. Haven't taken a moment to re-think, they'd go up and down the balance. Are we supposed to stay in the condition, that's why they're asking us to wake up my friends, be awaken in all senses. Because the pendulum law, when you're in it, when you're sitting in it, when you let the law of the pendulum guide you; it will guide your conscience, your mind, your entire being, then you might even hurt someone, hurt society, even yourself. The law of the pendulum, is a worldly law, it's even a universal law, Do not judge, there's a good in the bad. Stop panicking, there's always a solution in a problem, look at the beauty in everything and in all sense, in good and in bad. Open your hearts, listen to the little voice of light, the voice of wisdom that is full of the goodness everyone contains. Learn to listen to the little voice of reason, then you'll be able to get ahead of the law of the pendulum"