The mythology of that official 911 narrative continues on to this day.. None of the treasonous war criminals like Dick Choungy have been indicted in the courts of men, in this nation, but in the courts of The Most High the Creator They are found wanting, with an infinite horror of ever lasting shame waiting their after the physical life is over - why do you think they are always getting heart transplants like alot because their afaid of their coming judgemnet from the Creator. Is there a Creator well thats a no brainer! But our nation is being healed from the psychological, moral, spiritual, and societal attack perpetrated by inhuman illuminati, puppet, monsters like bush ect. who used that false flag Op. to initiate the creation of a NATIONAL SOCIALIST America Nation that no real American can gladly axcept that future and if real americans are oppreassed into that thing could get ugly. PRAY FOR America!