Welcome to our virtual annual conference. This year, we're celebrating the lives and contributions of the dementia carer community.
Today we hear from Peter and Manjit, both are former carers and active members of the Carers Advisory Panel.
Peter is a former carer who gave up his full-time work to look after his wife who had vascular dementia, while Manjit cared for her father who had vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Together, we will take small steps to support the brilliant work of friends and family caring for those with dementia across the country. Every day, we'll share an episode from a series of talks from public figures through to young carers, we want to share the stories of some of the incredible people caring for those with dementia. Walk with us and listen to their stories.
There are 700,000 people in the UK who are caring for a friend or family member with dementia. We invite you to take your own small steps and walk with us, as we take a step for every family dementia carer.