Everyday Odysseys is a new series that chronicles the lives of ordinary people dealing with often extraordinary situations.
In the series premiere, we meet Rob- an account by trade and a fire fighter by passion. As he exited the subway near his office in lower Manhattan, he was quite literally swept off his feet as the first jet struck the first tower on 9/11. He walks us through the day as he helped as many people as he could from a firehouse far away from the one he normally works out of. The story is punctuated with audio clips and sound design to bring us deeper into Rob's experience.
You'll hear how he went from accountant to hero in the span of an afternoon as the story unfolds. WARNING: some of the sound design may be triggering to those sensitive to content about 9/11. It's a very intense, emotional story- and it's just the beginning of what has been a 20 year journey that still effects him in big ways.
Everyday Odysseys is mixed in Binaural Audio in the hopes of placing you in the room and at the scene. It's best listened to with headphones.
Please like and support the show, and share it with friends! This is a new experiment for me, and I'm really hoping people make an emotional connection with this and future episodes. Feel free to follow our page on Facebook for additional photos and extra details: Everyday Odysseys on Facebook
Special thanks to those who have helped me along the way to get this project off the ground! It's a labor of love, born out of covid lockdown. This series is being captured using a combination of live conversations, Clubhouse, Zoom, and Virtual Reality (Alt Space, VTime XR, Oculus Quest 2).
All music copyright 2021 Frank Verderosa. Extra special thanks to Tiffany May for handling the series voice overs!