Kathy Boose lives an active life in Collingwood Ontario with her husband Jason and two children, Damen and Abby. She has spent her career in Recreation, Fitness, and leads classes at various studios in the Collingwood area.
Ready for a change to better support her active family’s needs, Kathy decided to use her 20 years of expertise in Lifesaving skills to launch her own business and now teaches Standard First Aid, CPR and AED training sessions, as well as training for youth such as Babysitter, Home Alone and Lifesaving Courses.
Kathy is passionate about her family and her business, and you’ll hear it in this interview with Dr. Melissa Longo!
During the conversation Kathy shares the big risk she took to become an entrepreneur, but why it has been an amazing change in her lifestyle and allows her to be more present with her kids. Kathy shares some of the ways she manages mom-life and business life, as well as how she and her partner keep their marriage strong.
Living life to the fullest and putting her family first are her ultimate goals. You can learn more about Kathy on her website www.trainingforlife.ca or contact her at [email protected].
Another great conversation with an everyday rockstar mom! check it out