Ian & Joye Johnson have been in ministry for OVER 30 years, planting and establishing Churches and ministry bases in the Auckland & Waikato regions of New Zealand, hosting and providing a platform for many international ministries in NZ.
While Senior leader at Papatoetoe Elim Church, Ian was involved in many international and local healing and Evangelistic crusades in the Pacific & Asia regions as well as local & regional healing meetings in NZ, these meetings were called The PowerPoint Healing Meetings, countless people were healed, delivered and fulled with the Holy Spirit and hundreds were saved between 1998 & 2004. In the Early 2000βs we experienced an amazing move of God with the release of Signs & Wonders. This is when we changed the ministry name to His Amazing Glory Ministries.
In 2007 the Lord called Ian & Joye into an itinerant prophetic glory ministry. They travel throughout New Zealand and the nations bringing, kingdom based glory revelation and prophetic teaching. Ian has ministered extensively in New Zealand, Australia, The Pacific Islands, Asia, Africa, The Middle East, Europe and the USA.