This is a serious episode about how to own the bad things we do as people and heal. The pod took a hiatus to think about how to address an anonymous email, from someone pretending to be a person from Chu’s early childhood, containing allegations (both true and untrue) of sexual assault. As true believers in transformative justice and what that does and does not look like-- we decided to talk together in community and record an interview with Chu as an accountability process in order for him to take responsibility for mistakes made, as well as establish a dialectical understanding of these mistakes as part of a larger cycle of abuse and trauma that stretches throughout his life. In an attempt to keep the conversation honest, we enlisted the help of Nicole Castro, an activist, member of the organization RADTalk and an expert in relational analysis, communication theory and social justice, to guide us through the process. It’s a heavy one, so TW/CW and Don’t Do Bad Stuff.