Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN), dfuse and EOS Nation recently announced a trilateral partnership, which will have significant and sustainable positive impact on the growth and strength of the EOS Mainnet for the long-term.
BSN International is positioning itself to be the main funnel for any and all developers in China to come and develop on a blockchain with founding members including China Mobile and China Union Pay. Their customers can now publish their applications on the EOS mainnet with direct access to dfuse APIs. BSN’s customers can access the free dfuse Community Edition, hosted by EOS Nation, a leading EOS block producer, in support of the global community.
Yifan He (BSN / Red Date Tech), Yves La Rose (EOS Nation), and Alexandre Bourget (dfuse) join Everything EOS for a roundtable discussion about what this partnership means and how it will impact blockchain adoption of EOSIO and EOS Mainnet specifically.
08:00 Latest Updates on dfuse
11:40 BSN - dfuse -EOS Nation Partnership
15:00 EOS Nation supporting EOS history with free dfuse
18:30 Who are BSN end users?
21:00 Governments using blockchain
26:00 Blockchain at Universities
27:00 dfuse for the enterprise
32:00 Open Permissioned Networks
40:00 Auditability for taxes
44:00 dfuse for fusing together systems
50:00 dfuse plans for 2021
52:30 EOS Nation plans for 2021