In today's day & age, we are encouraged to dream a big dream and to do it in such a way that oftentimes evades the reality of how much time, effort & reality is lost in our day dreams or whether there is an effect on us. This podcast episode focuses on discussing what daydreaming is. This pertains to the different types of day dreaming, the areas of the brain that are activated by daydreaming, the disorder associated to daydreaming and the possible ways we can control our daydreams by way of focusing on visualization.
Here are some of the terms used in the podcast:
- imagination
- visualization
- default mode network
- medial prefrontal cortex
- posterior cingulate cortex
- partial cortex
- positive-constructive daydreams
- guilty-dysphoric daydreams
- escapism daydreams
- fantasy daydreams
- ruminating daydreams
- maladaptive daydreaming
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