Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Podcast Show, where we talk to experienced entrepreneurs to get some great ideas about how you can grow your business.
My very special guest today is Helen Wilkie.
Helen has had a long, eclectic career that spanned the worlds of big business, small business, professional practices and non-profits. She has started several businesses of her own — some that did rather well and others best forgotten. The most professionally and personally fulfilling time of her life began in the early nineties when she accidentally found the world of professional speaking, where she specialized in communication at work.
Since professional speakers are expected to write books, she did. In fact, she wrote several books — and that brought her into the world of books, where she happily resides today. Out of her entire experience, two areas are most interesting and intriguing to her: business and books.
As The Executive’s Book Coach, she has brought these two together, which is why she love what she does — and probably is why she is so good at it! She helps her clients achieve their goal of writing a book through editing, coaching and occasional ghostwriting services, entering the picture at whatever point the author needs her.
In this episode, we discuss:
The importance of telling your own story in order to safeguard your business legacy. The best way to do that is through your book.
Helping senior executives and entrepreneurs get their books written
Why should senior executives and entrepreneurs write a book? Haven't they passed the stage where they need to raise their profile?
What is the main reason senior executives and entrepreneurs don't write their books, even when they want to?
What's the best way to start writing their book?
People tend to wait until they are almost ready to retire before they start thinking of their legacy. Helen believes they should start much earlier, and keep track of their career milestones in a way that will help them write their book when the time comes.
Visit her website: https://www.theexecutivesbookcoach.com
To find out more about Helen, visit her Evolvepreneur Profile here: https://evolvepreneur.club/user/1951/helen-wilkie
I have a series of five questions seasoned entrepreneurs can ask themselves in order to clarify what they believe their legacy is and what they want to be known for when their career is over. Your listeners can email me for this list, and if they contact me within a week of receiving it, I offer them a free conversation with me to help them decide if this is the time to write their book, what the book should be about and how they should approach it. There are thousands of entrepreneurs who have been thinking of writing a book for years, and they never get it done because they don't know where to start. This simple list and our conversation can help them solve this problem.
About The Show
Evolvepreneur is a podcast featuring guest experts and stories about entrepreneurs and their quest to navigate the online world.
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