It’s been a long while since I don’t show up here, right? Well, as many of you know, life is full of agitation, especially for an English teacher; therefore, many things have happened, and I had to choose what to prioritize.
Since 2022, I’ve been teaching in a new school in the big city of São Paulo, Brazil. I had to make lots of changes: rent an apartment, buy furniture and appliances, get a grip on how the school worked (plus, preparing classes, correcting tests, etc), and other personal life tasks. So life hasn’t been easy on me.
All of this made me quite upset because many of you – who have been following me for a while – know how much I love teaching, giving information, and helping.
Every now and then, I check the status, and I am glad people still look for my content, this means that it is still relevant and it is still helpful. This is actually the petrol that keeps my will going. I have students asking me “When will you go back to posting?” or “Do you still post content on YouTube?“. So here I am trying to come back!
This episode is also available as a blog post:
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