Vanessa is three years old and was born with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), a form of autism. Her parents noticed that she was very to herself and knew right away that something was off. About three months ago, Vanessa started using Proloquo2Go on an iPad. Even though her parents were concerned that using a communication solution might further delay her speech development, they trialed Proloquo2Go through the Young Autism Program of DDI. Everyone has been amazed by Vanessa's approximations and increased attempts to communicate. The app has given her a voice. Now she can finally say what she wants, making more verbalizations and babbling more than before. Vanessa’s speech is growing, and most importantly, she is blossoming as a child. Vanessa lives in New York, United States of America.
Disclaimer: Note that this video presents an unscripted case study and any statements made in the video pertain to this particular case and are not intended as a comprehensive product evaluation or recommendation. Different people have different needs and it is always recommended to get an AAC evaluation from an expert.