Have you ever wanted to just create a consistent routine that would help you to move your ideas, your work, your business or skills forward?
I have! I know many of you may also have experienced this.
You may be a busy mother, carer, housewife, or helper. You just cannot seem to find the time in your day. You are giver of your time to others. So much so that you forget to give the most important person some time.
🤔Who? You?
You neglect giving yourself time to explore your dreams, build your skills or expand your hobby or side hustle.
It is so important for you to set time aside to work on yourself. I have found that when you do this you have so much more you to give. When you don’t you may be prone to becoming frustrated, exhausted and resentful. Then who can you help!?
I am embarking on creating this new habit where I try and build into my day a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of two hours where I work on me. I work on taking steps to help improve my skills , work on my projects or even just peruse my dreams.
This is day 1. Today I am trying to figure out where, in my often times crazy day, I can find at least an hour or two, uninterrupted to do so.
Join me on my 21 day habit building adventure.