Welcome to Season 2 episode 5 of Extra Sauce on the Side with Samantha Denman!
This episode we talk about how it’s posssible to have a baby in a same sex marriage.
They share their research with us and may save you a ton of work if you’re looking to conceive.
No matter how a baby comes into this world it’s complicated and messy and we are so honored to share their story with you!
This pride month please consider donating to organizations like The Trevor Project
Link to donate: https://give.thetrevorproject.org/give/407873/?_gl=1*j32ywv*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2NTQ3NDQzMzMuQ2p3S0NBandrWUdWQmhBckVpd0E0c1pMdUQ2Q0dXM1ltRnZWQlUxWEFYSzZQXy1UT29UMkZQRFVJY25SSVZPYUtsbW9pQ0twdHJobWlCb0NwRW9RQXZEX0J3RQ..&_ga=2.16525361.606930395.1654744334-631815614.1654744334&_gac=1.162261582.1654744334.CjwKCAjwkYGVBhArEiwA4sZLuD6CGW3YmFvVBU1XAXK6P_-TOoT2FPDUIcnRIVOaKlmoiCKptrhmiBoCpEoQAvD_BwE#!/donation/checkout
Link to ovulation kit with pregnancy tests: https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Home-Ovulation-Strips-Pregnancy/dp/B00DOJG6RA?pd_rd_w=bErv8&content-id=amzn1.sym.94349326-ca8a-4b0d-94f0-6931485b8573&pf_rd_p=94349326-ca8a-4b0d-94f0-6931485b8573&pf_rd_r=450SYAWJC6R7M7FWY78Q&pd_rd_wg=ruzP5&pd_rd_r=45c2911e-df9b-47e6-b432-40a8ca4d43f3&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_rp_0_sa
Extra Sauce on the Side is a podcast about the things that make life more flavorful. Discussions with every day people who do extraordinary things. Every experience is unique with spicy little things that we can all relate to. We hope to ask the deeper questions and build understanding with groups and people you may not normally be able to get deeper with.
Follow Sam @samantharuthphotos
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