Idea Time Innovation with Dr. Jo North

Facilitation Ideas for Your Goal Achievement Workshop

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Are you excited by your business goals for 2023? Have you got clear plans in place to achieve them, with contingencies mapped out in case other things get in the way?

In this live episode I’ll be sharing evidence-based insights, tools, and approaches on how to facilitate a goal achievement workshop for your business, or a mini “retreat” if you’re working on your own.

I hope you’ll join me, either live or on replay, to de-risk your important business goals falling by the wayside as the year progresses!

I’ll help you to act smarter, build and maintain momentum over weeks and months, and identify strategies for likely obstacles before they happen.

You’ll get a full agenda and activities for a time-efficient team workshop or individual away day that will give you clarity and greater motivation for sustained action.

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Idea Time Innovation with Dr. Jo NorthBy ideatime